Quilts and Honeybees

Yesterday we went and picked up our bees. We've had a hive for a while, but now it is occupied!



I started a new project this afternoon. I've wanted to make a quilt for a long time, but have either failed, or never had the patience. Today I sat down and picked out the pieces from squares that my great-grandma had cut out. I trimmed them all down to the right size, and began sewing together my blocks. So far I have five out of twenty completed. It won't be a huge quilt, but I'm very excited about it!


As I begin each new block, I start to worry thinking "Oh, I shouldn't have put these colors or patterns together! They'll look awful!" Once I finish the block, however, I am always quite pleased with the result. I can't wait to see the finished project!


  1. I can't wait to see how it looks when your done. :)

  2. I hope you're going to bring this with you next week!

  3. Hoooray! I finally found your blog! Ok, this is going to sound weird and stalker-ish, but I used to follow your blog and somewhere along the way Blogger took you off my reading list - grrr... then I found you on pinterest, but you don't have any link to your blog (I'm not complaining - I don't either!)... soo today I searched for you on google and found you! Ok, this creeper is going to go resubscribe...


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