Lace on a Wet Foam Block and Other Tales of Crafting

Sepia Lace

Life seems kind of...well, like life, right now.  I wouldn't say that life is like a chair of bowlies, but things keep moving despite me, who is currently a stick-in-the-mud.  I'm sick.

I have been working like crazy on a conglomeration of projects.  The picture above is actually a sneak peek of one of those, which I am VERY excited about, and is currently being blocked on some foam puzzle pieces. (Hey, a knitter has to do what a knitter has to do!)

For another project, I have been hired to crochet two baby blankets for twins, and I am a *smidgen* away from being done with the pink one.  Yay!  Now I just have to finish the blue one before I get home next week!

The reason I am going home next week, is because one of my good friends is hosting a homeschool, historical ball!  I really wanted to go last year, but being clear across the U.S. was a little bit of an obstacle.  This year, although I live in a different state, I'm ready for it! I am going to wear a pretty lace dress that I have. It's not historical, by any means, but it will be pretty and special enough to wear to the ball, I guess.

I've been sewing on a rather large project recently, and then occasionally trying to work on stuff for Classic Kniterature, but it's a little hard when there are so many other pressing projects to be worked on!  Ah well, all things will work out eventually.

Anyhoo, that's what I'm about lately, so if you drop by, don't be surprised if you see me furiously crocheting/knitting/sewing away, or at least bumming around with a tissue box.

What projects have YOU been working on lately?


  1. Trying to stay warm in a house that closely resembles the more primitive igloo...okay, a regular house that just had no electricity for two days. It warmed up a little today, thank goodness.

    Also working on finishing a dress for the ball (Yay!) And trying to help a friend finish hers

    Looking forward to seeing you!

  2. Sounds like you enjoy knitting... a lot! :) Nomi and I want to learn, but haven't made the time with Mum to learn. A few weeks back an older lady offered to teach us (I love ladies like that!) so maybe she'll end up teaching us this mysterious craft...

    After I finish Mum's birthday present, I think my next project will be either a water bottle bag or an apron. Or maybe I will do some dressmaking... I'm not sure yet!

    Great to hear from you and find your 'new' chirpy blog!


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